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Our Mission….Partner with our parents and community to empower students to be independent critical thinkers and

responsible citizens who excel in their future endeavors


Our Vision...Preparing every student for a promising future

A brick and red building with the words 'Olney High School' above the entrance.

We Believe...

• Education is the foundation of our community

• Our decisions and actions are student-centered...KIDS COME FIRST

• The success of each student is the shared responsibility of our students, families, schools and community

• All students have unique talents, gifts, and abilities and should use them to positively impact the world

• In honoring our traditions and cultivating a culture of lifelong Cub Pride

  • student spray painting street
  • volleyball player high fives
  • Young football player running drills
  • volleyball girl jumping up at the net
  • football scrimmage game
  • children running

Programs and Services

We offer an array of exceptional programs and services that cater to diverse student needs, fostering academic excellence, creativity, and holistic development.

Academic Programs

  • Strong core curriculum that meets or exceeds state standards
  • Advanced Placement (AP) and Dual Credit programs for high school students
  • Gifted and Talented programs to challenge advanced learners
  • Special Education programs to support students with special needs
  • Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs to provide students with job-related skills

Extracurricular Activities

  • A variety of sports teams for students of all interests and abilities
  • Visual and performing arts programs, such as band, art and theater. 
  • Clubs and organizations that focus on a variety of interests, such as academic clubs, student government, and cultural clubs

Student Support Services

  • School counselors to provide academic, social, and emotional support
  • Social workers to connect students and families with community resources and address students’ mental health needs
  • Speech-language pathologists to help students with communication difficulties

Family and Community Engagement

  • Strong communication between schools and families
  • Parent-teacher organizations (PTOs) to provide opportunities for parents to get involved in their children's education
  • Community partnerships with businesses, organizations, and institutions of higher learning

Additional Resources

  • Summer school programs
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) and EB (Emergent Bilingual) programs
  • Professional development programs for teachers and staff
  • Technology resources, such as computers, tablets, and internet access
  • Safe and secure school facilities

A red and white 'O' with a black bear paw print, the words 'Olney ISD' and the text 'Preparing every student for a promising future!'